Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rockin' Rockwell Connections

We are practicing making connections using our prior knowledge.

That reminds me of...
I'm remembering...
I have a connection to...


  1. This picture remindes me of a busy sidewalk.

  2. That picture reminds me an amblance and a fire fighter truck,the the adopted houses reminds me of were kids are when they don't have families.

  3. my connection with the picture is that my grandfather used to be a firefighter and the red thing in the middle reminds me of an old version of a fire truck.[text to self]

  4. My connection to the picture is my dad's papa always drived a red ford car and he loved it and named it lola.:)

  5. Cassandra and Sabrina 5 and 21September 27, 2011 at 3:08 PM

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