Monday, November 7, 2011

Picture Inferences

Looking at pictures, we can tell a lot about a place without ever visiting the location.

Use the pictures on the site below to make an inference about the different places to visit in Missouri.


  1. There's a big canada goose statue and so I think the people who built the statue liked birds.

  2. The Rung Center reminds me of Wonderful Gardens

  3. The big... really looks like a great hang out place were people can take pictures.It remins me of St. Lousis because it has a museum that was called the City museum and it had a giant pencil sticking out of it

  4. They have a 2,500 gallon tank of water and in conclusion they must have a lot of water around.

  5. I learned about the Dillard mill state historic site one fact I learned was the Dillard mill is over 100 years old!It also reminds me of Dillards shoe store. Also I think that some people of county Missouri might have worked there.
